In the heartfelt words of one of Michael's closest Childhood Friends & Nida's Rydas Family Member, Damion Ramirez:
"On October 22, 2011, my childhood friend Mikey Nida was murdered by the downey police, shot in the back while running away. As this anniversary, (of his death), relentlessly approaches, I have to wonder what would have become of us if not for the genuine love and support we have recieved from fellow survivors in our struggle. Nothing I can see happening tomorrow is worth the fracture of this sheltering unity we have cultivated with unconditional love in the harshest, most desolate of environments. I will NOT protest against any of my family; instead I will encourage peace, communication, and cooperation in the name of LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL."
Please join us Monday, October 22, 2012 on the corner of Paramount Blvd. & Imperial Hwy. @ Mikey's Memorial site.
(Facebook Event Page)
It will be one whole year since Michael's life was stolen by Officer Steven Gilley of the Downey PD, yet Michael's family, loved ones and dear friends have yet to receive any information regarding the outcome of the investigation on his murder.
Despite their disgusting neglect, we have faith that Justice For Mikey will prevail and we will NEVER cease, still or give up in our fight for just that! JUSTICE FOR MICHAEL LEE NIDA II.
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