In Loving Memory Of & Dedicated To Michael Lee Nida ... & The Nida-Thaxton Families (Written By L.M. of Nida's Rydas 10/27/2011)
Dear Mikey, You were ours to cherish here on earth, Though for such a short time,
All those with whom you came in contact, Thought God having shared you, So tremendously kind.
Dear Mikey, You were a very loving Father of 4 precious children, A Husband to a beautiful Wife of many years,
Starting out so young, Yet holding it down, Never anticipating or needing any applause or cheers.
Dear Mikey, You were also a Son, a Brother, an Uncle, a Cousin, a Nephew, A Coach, a Companion and Dear Friend,
Your love and genuine acts of kindness towards others, Had no boundaries, Saw no end.
Dear Mikey, You were truly one of a kind, There could never be another one,
I pray God help and forgive them, For they know not what they've done.
Sleep in peace now Dear Mikey, For you will live happily and gracefully, Amongst your fellow Guardian Angels, Watching cautiously and lovingly over your family, Friends and loved ones,
Cheering us on when we make you proud, Or giving us an extra little push for motivation, When the time comes.
You'll shine your Big Beautiful Smile down upon us, Helping us to give whatever it may be our very best, Ever keeping our days so... Bright,
Our very own Guardian Angel Mikey, The one with the Huge Heart, Unforgettable Laugh, And Halo slightly tilted to the right.
Dear Mikey, We will one day meet again, But with tears of joy, No longer those of sorrow, Such as the day from us you went,
But in Heaven up above, Where you must have had to return, To do BIG things, For you were truly Heaven sent.
The city of Downey has beenHIDING behind aLIEforFOUR MONTHSnow!!! Regardless ofthe status of any pending litigation, the city has anOBLIGATION to theSURVIVING FAMILYMEMBERS of the INNOCENT MAN MURDEREDin their city byTHEIR INCOMPETENTCOPS.ThatMURDERING, POOR EXCUSE for a REAL officer of the law, STEVE GILLEYhas the benefit ofADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE,so he can still recieve all thePSYCHIATRIC ASSISTANCEhis health care provides, meanwhile,MICHAEL'S WIFE AND CHILDRENhave still not beenextended any kind of assistance AT ALL from theCITY COUNCILwho has KNOWN ALL ALONGthat Michael wasSHOT IN THE BACK!WHAT THE HELL IS REALLY GOING ON!!?
They have shed INNOCENTblood...AGAIN!!They have stolen Mikey's precious life and ROBBED 2 mothers and fathers of their SON, a wife of her HUSBAND, 4 beautiful children of their FATHER and so many other friends and loved ones, now without Mikey in their lives FOREVER!!
JUSTICE MUST BE SERVED AND "OFFICER" STEVEN GILLEY IS GUILTY! There is no reason in this world that he should not be tried for his CRIME against Michael! He CHOSE to shoot Michael in the back as he fled in fear for his life. Cowardly shooting an unarmed, Innocent man in the back, as a "TRAINED" police officer, when Michael was no threat to them, himself or anyone else around, was MURDER!! Therefore, THE MURDERERMUST BE BROUGHT TOJUSTICE!!
We had our very first march
and rally for Michael on 01/28/2012. We met at his memorial on Paramount Blvd. &
Imperial Hwy at 12:00p.m. and the supporters just kept pouring in!
Kauffman of The Answer Coalition, did such an Awesome job of
organizing everything and helping us spread the word far and wide. We
were such a diverse group of people! So many different nationalities,
from all walks of life, from babies and young children being pushed
along in strollers and pulled in wagons, to older ones, who were
determined to be there no matter what, being escorted along the way in
wheelchairs. We even had supporters marching on their paws, wearing
their signs! We were all there to represent one love for Michael and
to show Downey PD and the Downey City Council, that we will no longer
tolerate their silence, ignorance or neglect on this pressing matter! We
demand Justice for Michael!
our March began, we had a rally, where Douglas Kauffman, Jubilee Shine,
Damion Ramirez and a few others spoke out and led us all in a few
chants for Michael's and Steven Bours' stolen lives and our mission to
achieve justice for them. Then with motivated hearts, anxious feet,
signs held high and firmly in hand, we began our march.
Our March began on the corner of Paramount Blvd. and Imperial Hwyand as soon as we crossed over Imperial Hwy, we took over the streets and chants of: "Who's streets.... Our streets", began, loud and clear!Even
a great number of passersby in their vehicles showed such a great
amount of support, by honking their horns and shouting in support of our
mission to justice for Mikey.
were two Downey Police vehicles following us with loud speakers,
telling us to move out of the streets, onto the sidewalks. However, we
continued to march on steadily, as we all chanted in unison: "Downey are guilty"!At best the Downey PD kind of ended up serving as traffic control for us, which is the very least they could have done.
we continued our marching and chanting, along with tons of supporters
still honking and shouting from their vehicles, all the way down
Paramount Blvd., up to Firestone Blvd. and up to Brookshire Avenue,
where we then made a left to reach our rally destination...The Downey Police Station.
As we approached our destination, with our heads held high, pride and Mikey in our hearts, we continued to chant as
loud as we could: "Lock up Gilley, (the officer who murdered Michael),
and throw away the key"! As well as, "What do we want?....JUSTICE!
When do we want it?...NOW"!
we arrived and had an absolutely amazing rally, right there in front of
the Downey Police Station! Douglas Kauffman, as well as other awesome
supporters from The Answer Coalition, various other coalitions and
organizations spoke there, along with Michael's Mom's, Jean Thaxton and
Maritza Odell and Michael's sisters, Terri Thaxton-Teramura and Susan
Thaxton, accompanied by Michael's Dad, Jerry Thaxton and Michael's two
brothers, Jerry Thaxton II and Greg Thaxton, who thanked everyone from
the bottom of their hearts for coming out and showing their support.
It was such a beautiful thing to see so many people unselfishly take the time out of their own busy lives,
to come and show support for Michael and his family and further
strengthen and solidify their and our hope and resolve that no matter
how long the road to justice for Michael Nida may be, we will walk a
steady, straight path on that road and continue on it, undeterred, to
it's end and beyond.
We love you Michael!
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